This is the main page of the website. Here is some simple information
to help keep track of the assignments for those in my courses.
My email is [email protected]
Tutoring hours: Mondays & Thursdays 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM at Room 101
Logic & Coding section. MWA-intervention
Current webpage indexes
DeLancey PDF
Java compiler
Lecture1: Crash Course Into Coding!
Lecture2: While(true) {Learn}
Code Monkey Startup!(Due Friday 10/25 11:59 PM)
Array Notes
Homework: Student's First Array
Array Lab: Eratosthenes Approved
Homework: FIZZ BUZZ
Method Notes
Method Homework: doHomework();
Method Lab: Madness in our Methods
Regular Expression Notes: Not So Regular!
Regular Expression Worksheet: Regex Purgatory
Regular Expression Lab: Scrabble!
Download SCRABBLE.txt here
DFA Notes: Automata 101
DFA Worksheet: Deterministic Inferno
Submit all assignments to [email protected]
L&C Legacy assignments: